About The School
To keep up with student demand, Falls Lake Academy added additional class space. They began accepting additional students for the 2018 - 2019 school year and serves students in grades K - 12. Hubrich Contracting handled the construction for the entire campus inclduing the main building and the high school each with its own gym, and a soccer field.
- Built to Class A standards.
- Institutional grade pre-cast exterior concrete panels.
- Commercial grade storefront aluminum exterior windows and doors.
- 20,000 square feet expansion.
- Three 60 ton and Three 50 ton Carrier DX Mechanical roof top HVAC units.
- 2 x 2 ceiling tile.
- Plumbing fixtures per code requirements.
- 26 Acre building site.
- Fully sprinkled fire protection with expandable panel.
- Fire Alarm system.
- Solid surface cultured marble bathroom countertops.